Monthly Archives April 2019


Obstacles! You readers don’t know how hard it is to sort through all the great hi-fi gear these days. There are numerous obstacles in my way. Glenn just came into my office and proclaimed- “You won’t believe what I just found!” I’m thinking, he found a Mac MR78 in mint condition, or a pair of Maggie Tympani 1-Ds that don’t need to be rebuilt. Nope. Glenn went on. “My house was built in 1977. One of the toilets is beige. I’ve never been able to find a matching seat. I went to Ace to buy the lights for the elevator
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Categories: Newsletters.


Bob Carver Crimson 275 Power Amp: $2750 (75×2, 7h, 14w, 9.5d, 19 lbs) The new Bob Carver Crimson 275 tube power amp is now here! It is made in the state of Washington. It has a five year warranty which includes the tubes themselves! Who else warranties tubes for more than a few months? Crimson 275 sounds almost exactly how you would expect it to. It sounds tubey, warm and has many layers. It’s quite enveloping. Do you want to appreciate the nuances of a human voice? A guitar? A piano? That’s what Crimson 275 is designed to communicate. The
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Categories: Newsletters.