Monthly Archives June 2021


KLH Model 5 $2000 Per Pair: Price Includes Risers Walnut or Mahogany Finishes (34.25h on riser, 13.73w, 13d, 52 lbs, 6 ohms, 90.5 dB) A new KLH-5 has just been introduced to the market. What is different about KLH-5 vs a zillion other speakers? First of all, it uses a SEALED cabinet- there’s no port. This helps tighten the bass. It doesn’t have the FAT sound most speakers have. If you prefer bass definition to thud, consider Model 5. A sealed speaker has “air spring” within the cabinet. The drivers have to be solid to behave properly under this pressure
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Categories: Newsletters.


Bryston Middle T: $6870 Per Pair (39.4h, 10.4w, 16.3d, 81 lbs, 88 dB SPL, 20 Year Warranty!) Who would be a candidate to buy the Bryston Middle T speakers? How about… someone who wants large and powerful sound without adding subs? How about … someone who wants reference level size and scale but doesn’t have room for a monster tower? There are middle linebackers, and then there are Nitschke and Butkus who broke the mold. Middle T falls into that category! Middle T is a great sounding speaker regardless of size. The bullet point not to miss here is that
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Categories: Newsletters.